Compelling Category Strategy Visions

Inspirational category visions improve customer engagement, and results.

What does it mean to engage customers in a category strategy

When we talk about engaging customers what are we actually trying to achieve?

  • Securing a big cross-category meeting? Maybe.
  • Building category drivers into JBPs? Definitely.
  • Agreeing initiatives that will change consumer & shopper behaviour? Ideally!
Discussion on improving customer engagement in category strategies
Levels of engagement may vary but the ultimate aim is full commitment, working together towards a common goal.

So how do you fully engage customers?

  1. They need to get the strategy (it needs to be clear and concise)
  2. They need to feel it's relevant to them (it needs to be specific and easily understood)
  3. They should want to be involved (it needs to be inspiring)

Inspiration isn't wishy-washy, blue-sky, agency talk.

Inspiration is tangible, it's something concrete.

It's having the image of a cathedral in your mind whilst mixing the cement.

Inspiration comes from having a clear vision that everyone can buy into. 

What it means to have a vision for your category strategy

Thinking about your category vision...

  • What's your cathedral?
  • What are you building?
  • On a scale of 1-10 how inspiring is your vision?

How can Dynamic Reasoning help?

We can work with your team to take your existing strategy, and your plans and refresh and reframe them.

Working with our design partners, we can turn your category building blocks into an inspiring category vision.

Clear and compelling category visions help everyone to stop and take notice.

Once engaged, customers are more likely to commit time, energy and other resources to get involved in delivering the vision together.

Dynamic Reasoning consultancy approach to develop a category vision

What makes the Dynamic Reasoning approach to category strategies so successful?

Dynamic Reasoning's approach to develop effective category strategies :

  • Is an interactive and thought provoking process
  • We involve and engage the whole commercial team
  • Our approach speeds up execution
  • Which reduces time to implementation
  • And ultimately delivers greater growth for the business and their customers. 

Would you like to discuss how we can develop your category vision?

Please email if you would like us to send you a personalised quote to refresh or strengthen your category vision.

Alternatively please click here to arrange a call so we can discuss your current category strategy and areas you think you'd like to develop or strengthen.