Transformational Sales & Marketing Tools

Making things happen

Our mission has always been to make a difference, to help FMCG businesses step change their business.

Whether that's launching a new brand or product, reviewing their strategy or portfolio, driving distribution or increasing rate of sale. 

Alongside our consultancy and training we have developed a range of tools to help your teams to be effective, not just efficient, transforming your business as a result.

Tools to transform FMCG sales and marketing teams productivity and results by Dynamic Reasoning


Efficient (adjective) "Working or operating quickly in an organised way".... Effective (adjective) "Successful in achieving intended results"

Our tools range from Strategy through to implementation.

Innovative - Dynamic - Differentiated - Effective - Transformative 

Click on our brands below for more information to see how they can benefit your organisation:

Intellic: Smarter, faster decisions for Brand Portfolio Managers

Working with our associates at AD Creative we have developed a decision making tool that:

  • Analyses multiples measures of Market Attractiveness & Brand Strength
  • Applies logical tried & tested methodology to fine-tune brand portfolios
  • Makes it easy to identify where to allocate brand resources for optimum value 

Efficazz: Effective Meeting Management

We have developed an App, a software tool designed to improve sales productivity of national account sales team that delivers improved:

  • Clarity around setting stronger, clearer objectives
  • Collaboration within teams to meet and exceed the objectives
  • Communication between Line Managers & NAMs

We'd love to show you these transformational tools in action so just let us know if you're like to know more.