Brand Portfolio Optimisation
Decision-making framework
Devising the best marketing strategy no longer depends on hunches and guesstimates.
Working with our associates John Graham and Richard Samarasinghe at AD Creative we have developed INTELLIC
A dynamic decision-making model for marketing managers looking to fine-tune their brand portfolio and optimise ROI and shareholder value.
“Great feedback from the board, they liked the transparency of the
harmonisation model & the evidence supporting the recommendations” Brand Director, global retailer
Our methodology and model will help you make smarter, faster decisions to optimise your brand portfolio.
Intellic analyses multiple variables to combine:
- Performance of brands
- Identify brands' potential
- Map propensity to grow within target markets.
Please get in touch so we can show you how Intellic can add value for your organisation:
View articles on Best Practice Brand and SKU harmonisation
Book an Intellic Demo to optimise your brand portfolio strategy