Effective Sales Meetings every time
Optimise every meeting
Having worked in sales ourselves and trained many sales teams to develop (not just manage) their national accounts we know how important it is to make every meeting count!
We developed Efficazz™, a user-friendly and intuitive tool for mobile and desktop that enables national account managers to optimise every meeting.
“I can't believe this doesn't already exist, it's so much more than a CRM system as it encourages the team to think and therefore act differently" Sales Director FMCG brand

Efficazz™ addresses challenges that many sales teams face:
- NAMs "we need more help from category to prep for our meetings"
- Category Managers "meetings always seem to be short notice, there's never enough time to prepare"
- Sales Directors "it's difficult to keep track of all the team's meetings and how each account controller coaches their team"
- Account Controllers "it would help if the NAMs kept me up to date on their meetings rather than me having to chase"
- NAMs "it would be great to get immediate feedback from our managers rather than having to chase"
How Efficazz™ can help your sales teams improve productivity:
- Improved Pre-planning
- More effective meetings every time
- Improved conversion post meetings
- Encouraging NAMs to set clear, thorough and stretch objectives for every meeting
- Provides Managers with visibility of all meeting calendars
- Ensure NAM thinks & plans how they will achieve objectives
- Shares objectives to colleagues before to aid preparation
- Simple coaching tool for Managers to review objectives
We'd love to show you how Efficazz™ could help your national accounts team improve their productivity so click here if you would like to see a demonstration.